The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades commends President Biden’s actions to elevate the role of registered apprenticeships.

President Biden revoked former President Trump’s Executive Order that created the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program (IRAP). Because of the efforts of the labor movement, the construction industry was able to obtain an exemption from that order, and President Biden went a step further by effectively eliminating them entirely.
President Biden also reinstated the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships (NACA), a Committee that IUPAT General President Rigmaiden was appointed to, at the Department of Labor. This reinstatement of NACA ensures that the labor movement will once again oversee apprenticeship programs.
The nomination of Communications Workers of America Special Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo to serve as the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board stands in stark contrast to former President Trump’s appointment of union-busting anti-worker lobbyist Eugene Scalia.
These actions reaffirm how confident we are that President Biden takes the priorities of the working class seriously. The IUPAT looks forward to working with President Biden and his pro-labor appointees to empower the working class for years to come.
Represents a growing community of over 110,000 active and retired craftspeople in the United States and Canada. The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective worker education and mobilization. Visit to learn more.