Charlie Meadows
General Vice President (Central Region)

Charlie joined the IUPAT in August of 1986 and worked in the field as a paperhanger. He was elected President of Local Union 238 (Covington, Kentucky) and Delegate to District Council 12 in 1995. In 2005 he was elected Business Representative of District Council 12 and also served as Director of Service and Chairman of the Health and Welfare and Apprentice Fund.
Upon the merger of District Council 12 into District Council 6 to create one District Council in the state of Ohio in December 2007, Charlie continued to serve as Business Representative, Director of Service, and Trustee on the funds until 2014.
In 2014, he was appointed General President’s Representative and appointed as Special Trustee to District Council 91 in 2021.
In 2022 he was appointed General Vice President of the IUPAT and trustee to the Industry Pension Fund, International Finishing Trades Institute, and the Labor Management Cooperative Initiative.