A.L. Mike Monroe
General President Emeritus
A.L. “Mike” Monroe was born and raised in Alexandria, VA. In 1955, Monroe and his three brothers were initiated into Painters Local Union 890. Three years later, he was elected financial secretary of Local Union 890 and delegate to District Council 51. In 1960, Monroe was elected business representative of the District Council. In 1964, Monroe was appointed general representative to the Second District. In 1972, he was appointed general vice president of the Second District, where he served for 12 years. Monroe was elected general secretary-treasurer in 1984 and held that position until 1992.
The General Executive Board subsequently unanimously elected Monroe general president, and the union membership re-elected him in 1994. He announced his retirement in August 1998 after 38 years of dedicated service to IUPAT and was named general president emeritus.
These days, Monroe spends time with his family, including five children and many grandchildren.