IUPAT Celebrates win for American Worker

Press Releases


Contacts on behalf of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades

Ryan Kekeris, 410-564-5884, rkekeris@iupat.org

Congress just passed the American Rescue Plan and it’s heading to President Joe Biden’s desk for signature. We hope that this bill represents a turning point in the COVID-19 crisis and we believe it will ensure that workers aren’t left in the dust as we begin to crawl our way out of the pandemic. The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) celebrates the passage of the bill, including the fully funded coverage for COBRA subsidies, expanded unemployment insurance, $1,400 stimulus checks, and pension safeguards.

“The American Rescue Plan is the result of millions of working people organizing and telling both Congress and President Biden that they need real relief”, said IUPAT General President Kenneth E. Rigmaiden. “None of this would have been possible if not for working people speaking up and demanding that their voices be heard. The IUPAT made it clear that our issues must be addressed and that working people must be put front and center in any relief bill.”

As vaccinations become more available, we believe that there is light at the end of this long tunnel. We see the American Rescue Plan as a starting point towards a brighter future with working people leading the recovery and building back towards a society where worker power is on the rise. 

This bill did not include everything we wanted, but we believe that it contains the support we need to beat back this virus. From expanded Butch Lewis language, to COBRA subsidies, to industry relief for our struggling Trade Show workers, we urge President Biden to sign this bill at the first available opportunity.


Represents a growing community of over 110,000 active and retired craftspeople in the United States and Canada. The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective worker education and mobilization. Visit www.iupat.org to learn more.


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