IUPAT District Council 14 (Chicago) recently hosted a pilot for the iFTI’s newly revised Supervisor Training Program(STP). The four days of training was broken into two days of student training and two days of candidate instructor training. In all, 11 new instructors, including at least one contractor, completed the program and have been provided the tools to teach this program at the district council level. Candidate instructors delivered 30 minute teach-back presentations on an STP lesson of their choice. There was a lot of experience in the room and detailed and valuable discussions ensued.

The FTI 1212 STP is a foundational program designed to teach individuals “running work” the essential knowledge, hard skills, and soft skills to succeed in the supervisory role. The program intends to strengthen the abilities of project supervisors at all levels and provide the basics of supervision to improve understanding of the supervisor’s job regardless of length of experience.
STP is designed to benefit first time supervisors/foremen as well as those with substantial supervisory experiences to improve performance and to positively impact those they are supervising and mentoring. New supervisors/foremen will broaden their understanding of the responsibilities of their job and gain knowledge, tools and techniques to better fulfill those responsibilities. It is beneficial for experienced supervisors to update their understanding of supervision, to strengthen their skills in traditional areas, and to develop new skills in emerging areas such as mentoring. The supervisor training program is highly interactive and naturally opens discussions and encourages participants to learn from one another. The course is open to all field supervisors, foremen and those who anticipate fulfilling these roles in the near future. A management representative of the employer is encouraged to attend the course along with their sponsored employees.
As with any course, please complete the DOT Request – Training Registration Form to request enrollment in an upcoming TtT class at the iFTI or an Instructional Service Center.